Motorcycle Accident Prevention: Tips To Reduce The Risk Of A Crash

As our Wyoming weather gets warmer, more and more motorcycle riders are hitting the open road.  According to NHTSA, a staggering 80% of all reported motorcycle crashes result in injury or death.  To stay safe on the road and help avoid the risk of accidents, here are some simple tips riders should follow.

Take Safety Training. If you’re a new motorcyclist, take a motorcycle safety course. Even if you&#x2019re an experience rider, it&#x2019s probably a good idea to take a motorcycle safety course to learn new skills or sharpen existing ones.

Drive Defensively.  Riders should constantly scan ahead and from side to side to observe any possible hazards that may cause an accident.  When it comes to other vehicles, a motorcyclist should always assume that another driver cannot see their bike. Always maintain safe braking distances and controllable speeds.

Wear the Right Gear.  Wearing the right motorcycle gear can help in a crash.  Always wear long pants and sleeves, preferably made of leather or another thick, protective material, as well as gloves, eye protection and durable boots that cover your ankles. 

Be Visible. Wear bright colors and reflective clothing.   Also use your headlight, day or night and ride in the section of lane that makes you most visible to motorists.

Stay Alert.  Keep in mind that, unfortunately, many drivers on the road are distracted.  Texting motorists are a very real danger, so be ready for sudden lane changes and swerves. Always watch for patches of sand, potholes, and other road hazards, as well as fellow motorcyclists.

Beware the Intersections. Half of all motorcycle crashes occur at intersections. Vehicles turning left in front of you is perhaps the most common cause of a crash.  Be on high alert so you can respond appropriately.

Avoid Bad Weather. Try to avoid riding in bad weather. But, as we know, this is not always possible as the Wyoming weather changes quickly. To be prepared, take training on ways to safely ride in the rain, wind, and other types of adverse weather conditions in case you get stuck in it. 

Inspect your Bike.  Be sure your motorcycle is in proper operating condition. A mechanical failure while riding can lead to a serious crash, even if the trip is a quick ride across town at low speeds. Checking tires for wear, cuts or bulges, for example, may help prevent a potentially dangerous blowout on the road. Your pre ride inspection should also confirm that headlamps, turn signals, and brake lights are functioning properly.

Keep a Heads-up for Motorists. Collisions with motorcycles are usually the non-motorcycle driver’s fault. Remember, motorcyclists have the same rights as other drivers. Check your blind spot, signal your intentions, and avoid distractions.


Consult Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Now

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for the effects of the accident, including physical, financial and emotional damages.

Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, so there is no charge for our services unless we recover the compensation you deserve.


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